How do you pronounce “vol au vent”
We get asked this all the time in conversation, so lets clear this up, the correct pronunciation of "vol-au-vent" is approximately "vohl-oh-VAHN." Here's a breakdown:
Vol: Pronounced like "vohl," rhyming with "bowl."
au: Pronounced like "oh."
Vent: Pronounced like "VAHN," with the "a" sounding like the "a" in "car" and the "n" pronounced.
So, when saying it together, it sounds like "vohl-oh-VAHN."
It is all well and good being able to say “vol au vent” but when people write or search for vol au vents (online), we have seen all kinds of spellings, with the wonders of google now we hope you are reading this and found our website whichever why you spelt it! Some great examples are below:-
vol a vent
vol a vent food
vol le vent
vol vent
volau vent
vol a vaunt
vol e vent cases
vol vent cases
vol au vent food
We certainly don’t judge so however you spelt it, we are happy your are here and hopefully you will satisfy your puff pastry fix and find lots of puff pastry recipe ideas!